Fleet & Industrial
Fleet & Industrial Products
BG Products are world leaders in the development of advanced lubrication and protection solutions.
Our products have been designed to be used in the more hostile and challenging environment including agricultural, offshore, construction and heavy industry. These solutions have saved hours of maintenance time in reducing lubricant re-application. The BG industrial, agricultural and marine products are frequently described as the best of their kind.

BG EPR® Engine Performance Restoration® softens and dissolves hard-to-remove deposits from piston rings in as little as 10 minutes! Properly sealed combustion chambers improve compression and reduce oil dilution through blowby.
Fuel System
Installed using the BG Diesel VIA®, BG Diesel Care will quickly and safely clean carbon deposits from diesel fuel injection systems. A professional use injector cleaner, it is designed for use in all passenger car diesel engines.
BG DFC Plus® HP for High Pressure Diesel Injection Systems provides unsurpassed fuel system protection when high operating temperatures and pressures are encountered.
BG 2021 Supercharge® II is a bulk petrol fuel treatment for fuel storage tanks. It is designed to keep the entire fuel system clean and free of deposits.
BG 24532 Premium Diesel Fuel System Cleaner for heavy duty use. It removes and dissolves deposits from the entire diesel injection system, including fuel injectors and combustion chambers.
Air Induction System
Safely and rapidly removes accumulated deposits from the butterfly/throttle valve, throttle body and idle air control valves of the air induction system.
A primary part of the BG Diesel Induction Service, BG Diesel ISC® Induction System Cleaner is specially formulated to liquefy and remove tough oil deposits and unburned fuel residues formed by the EGR and PCV as the gases pass through the air intake and intake valves. Once these deposits are cleaned away, they are burned in the normal combustion process.
BG Mass Air Flow Sensor Cleaner is an effective means of restoring function of the Mass Air Flow Sensor and Idle Air Controller and is formulated to be completely harmless and compatible with these components.
Cooling System
Universal Cooling System Cleaner is a revolutionary formulation with amazingly safe and effective cleaning capabilities.
Climate Control
BG Frigi-Fresh® will safely and effectively eliminate foul, musty odours from A/C systems.
BG Frigi-Charge® for R-134a extends compressor life and provides overall quieter and cooler running A/C systems.
BG HCF Waterproof Spray Lubricant stands for Heat Corrosion Friction. As such, it is a superior all-purpose spray lubricant.
BG Special HCF Grease is a state-of-the-art product for applications requiring extraordinary performance.
Used to enhance the properties of lubricants used in a variety of applications and over a wide range of operating conditions.
BG In-Force is an ion-activated penetrating oil which stops rust, and lubricates and frees rusted parts.
BG Diesel VIA® is the ultimate diesel injector cleaning system for passenger cars, SUVs and light trucks.
BG DOC® Diesel Oil Conditioner maintains like-new diesel engine power and performance, neutralizes acids and acid corrosion, reduces friction and wear on engine parts, stabilizes viscosity, and prevents sludge through increased oxidation control and soot scatter™ technology. BG DOC® is compatible with all diesel engine oils including synthetic and multi-grade.